NSWI144 - Data on the Web

Basic information for 2025

Tutorials and prerequisites

The schedule may change due to illness or conference attendance.

Make sure that you can run the required software on the corresponding lab:

  1. 2025-02-17 Introduction: Web browser, Internet access - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech)
  2. 2025-03-03 RDF introduction and data transformations: Web browser, Internet access, Java JDK, Tarql - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech)
  3. 2025-03-17 Linking: Web browser, Internet access, Silk Workbench - recommended to run using Docker, Google Slides on how to run Silk in Docker, YouTube (Czech)
  4. 2025-03-31 SPARQL Querying: Web browser, Internet access, Google Slides, YouTube (Czech)
  5. 2025-04-14 RDF API usage: Java JDK, Java IDE (Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ), Apache Tomcat, Apache Jena or Eclipse RDF4J SDK, Google Slides, YouTube (Czech)
  6. 2025-04-28 SHACL Google Slides
  7. 2025-05-12 no tutorial / reserved for potential replacement

Lectures - Slides and pre-recorded videos

The schedule may change due to illness or conference attendance.

  1. 2025-02-17 Introduction to Linked Data - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
  2. 2025-02-24 RDF, RDFS, Serializations - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
  3. 2025-03-03 SPARQL, Tarql - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech)
  4. 2025-03-10 Dublin Core, SKOS, RDF Datacube Vocabulary - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
  5. 2025-03-17 Linking, Silk - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), Metadata (DCAT, DCAT-AP, VoID) - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English) for both parts
  6. 2025-03-24 Linked Data Patterns - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
  7. 2025-03-31 RDFa, Microformats, Microdata - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), SPARQL Update, Quadstores - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English) for both parts
  8. 2025-04-07 GoodRelations, schema.org - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), Basics of OWL - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English) for both parts
  9. 2025-04-14 RDF APIs - Eclipse rdf4j, Apache Jena - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
  10. 2025-04-21 no lecture - Easter holidays
  11. 2025-04-28 SHACL - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), Direct Mapping, R2RML - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English) for both parts
  12. 2025-05-05 Solid, WebID, Linked Data Platform and Social Web Protocols - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
  13. 2025-05-12 presentations
  14. 2025-05-19 no lecture / reserved for potential replacement