NSWI144 - Data on the Web
Basic information for 2025
- Lectures
- On-site lectures in Czech or English, as necessary
- Mondays 14:00 in S9
- Pre-recorded lectures from previous years available.
- Tutorials
- On-site tutorials in Czech or English, as necessary
- every second Monday 15:40 in S8
- Semestral project
- See the detailed assignment specification
- First deadline (Parts 1 & 2 of the detailed assignment): 2025-03-16T20:00:00, maximum of 10 points
- Second deadline (All parts and feedback addressed): 2025-05-11T20:00:00, maximum of 20 points
- At least 15 points of 30 total required to pass
- Use the faculty's GitLab instance for turning in the semestral assignment - do not forget to give me read rights and register the link to the repo, e.g.
, in SIS (Grupík).
Tutorials and prerequisites
The schedule may change due to illness or conference attendance.
Make sure that you can run the required software on the corresponding lab:
- 2025-02-17 Introduction: Web browser, Internet access - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech)
- 2025-03-03 RDF introduction and data transformations: Web browser, Internet access, Java JDK, Tarql - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech)
- 2025-03-17 Linking: Web browser, Internet access, Silk Workbench - recommended to run using Docker, Google Slides on how to run Silk in Docker, YouTube (Czech)
- 2025-03-31 SPARQL Querying: Web browser, Internet access, Google Slides, YouTube (Czech)
- 2025-04-14 RDF API usage: Java JDK, Java IDE (Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ), Apache Tomcat, Apache Jena or Eclipse RDF4J SDK, Google Slides, YouTube (Czech)
- 2025-04-28 SHACL Google Slides
- 2025-05-12 no tutorial / reserved for potential replacement
Lectures - Slides and pre-recorded videos
The schedule may change due to illness or conference attendance.
- 2025-02-17 Introduction to Linked Data - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
- 2025-02-24 RDF, RDFS, Serializations - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
- 2025-03-03 SPARQL, Tarql - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech)
- 2025-03-10 Dublin Core, SKOS, RDF Datacube Vocabulary - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
- 2025-03-17 Linking, Silk - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), Metadata (DCAT, DCAT-AP, VoID) - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English) for both parts
- 2025-03-24 Linked Data Patterns - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
- 2025-03-31 RDFa, Microformats, Microdata - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), SPARQL Update, Quadstores - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English) for both parts
- 2025-04-07 GoodRelations, schema.org - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), Basics of OWL - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English) for both parts
- 2025-04-14 RDF APIs - Eclipse rdf4j, Apache Jena - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
- 2025-04-21 no lecture - Easter holidays
- 2025-04-28 SHACL - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), Direct Mapping, R2RML - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English) for both parts
- 2025-05-05 Solid, WebID, Linked Data Platform and Social Web Protocols - Google Slides, YouTube (Czech), YouTube (English)
- 2025-05-12 presentations
- 2025-05-19 no lecture / reserved for potential replacement