NPRG036 - Data Formats
Exam dates are already in SIS.
See a sample test.
- 2024-10-03: Data formats introduction: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech)
- 2024-10-10: Graph data formats - RDF, RDF Schema, Linked Data, Open World Assumption: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech)
- 2024-10-17: Graph data formats - SPARQL: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech)
- 2024-10-24: Graph data formats - Basic vocabularies, Wikidata: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech)
- 2024-10-31: Graph data formats - Labeled property graph model, Cypher, RDF-star: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech)
- 2024-11-07: Hierarchical data formats - XML, XML Schema: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech)
- 2024-11-14: No lecture
- 2024-11-21: Hierarchical data formats - XPath, XSLT: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech)
- 2024-11-28: Hierarchical data formats - JSON, JSON Schema, JSON-LD: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech)
- 2024-12-05: Relational data formats - SQL dump, CSV, CSV on the Web: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech)
- 2024-12-12: Formats for geodata by guest speaker Michal Med: PDF, YouTube
- 2024-12-19: Key-value, configuration formats - .properties, INI, TOML, YAML: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech), Formats for text documents: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech)
- 2025-01-09: Multimedia formats - images, video, audio, containers, print formats: Google Slides, YouTube (English), YouTube (Czech), Print formats on YouTube (Czech)
- Tutorial 1 (R): Conceptual Modeling
- Tutorial 2 (R): RDF
- Tutorial 3 (R): SPARQL
- Tutorial 4 (O): Wikidata
- Tutorial 5 (R): LPG & Cypher
- Tutorial 6 (R): XML & XML Schema
- Tutorial 7 (R): XPath & XSLT
- Tutorial 8 (R): JSON, jq, JSON Schema, JSON-LD
- Tutorial 9 (R): CSV, CSV on the Web
- Tutorial 10 (O): Geodata - GeoJSON, WKT, CRS, QGIS
- Tutorial 11 (O): Key-value formats - TOML, YAML, Formats for text documents
- Tutorial 12 (O): Multimedia formats
Homework part 1: Conceptual model
- Assignment
- See the homework 1 assignment.
Homework part 2: Graph models
- Assignment
- See the homework 2 assignment.
Homework part 3: Hierarchical models
- Assignment
- See the homework 3 assignment.
Homework part 4: Relational model
- Assignment
- See the homework 4 assignment.